9th Battery Mass. Vols. Soldiers In Other Units

The lists below are from the book Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in the Civil War (MSSMCW). The list is then noted with differences found when comparing it to the lists found in Levi Baker's History of the Ninth Massachusetts Battery, with other sections with the MSSMCW, Record of Massachusetts Voluteers 1861-1865 (RMV), and the NPS' Soldier and Sailor System (NPS) ***Broken Link***.

The list below is soldiers who served with other regiments or batteries either prior to or after their service with the 9th Battery. Mass. Vols. It does not include the transfer in of 1st Mass. Battery soldiers in March 1865.

  • Akerman, Joseph - 2nd Battery Mass. Vols.

  • Baxter, Ezra, Jr. - 1st Battery Mass. Vols.

  • Bigelow, John - 2nd Battery Mass. Vols. & 1st Maryland Lt. Arty.

  • Chapin, Joseph - Hospital Steward USA

  • Cummings, Frederick A. - 2nd Mass. Inf.

  • Edson, Bartlett C. - 3rd Mass. Heavy Arty.

  • Fay, Marcellus E. - 1st Mass. Inf.

  • Goldthwait, Charles A. - 16th Vt. Inf.

  • Goodwin, Stephen H. - 8th Mass. Inf. & 1st Co. Mass. Sharpshooters (15th Mass)

  • Gordon, James - two enlistments in U.S. Navy

  • Harvey, James A. - 5th Mass. Inf. (Baker incorrectly lists him as coming from the 1st Battery Mass. Vols., he corrects that information on last page of his book.)

  • Higgins, George L. - 4th Mass. Inf.

  • Huntress, John V. - 2nd Mass. Inf Co. E (Listed as John Huntress in MSSMCW)

  • Hussey, Orren C. - 6th Mass. Inf.

  • Langelier, Louis N. - 1st V.R.C. (Co. H - RMV)

  • Lincoln, William W. - 4th Mass. Inf.

  • Marsh, Benjamin F. - 47th Mass. Inf. Co. B

  • Milton, Richard S. - 4th Mass. Inf.

  • Murphy, Thomas - U.S. Navy (Listed in RMV as a transfer from the 1st Battery Mass. Vols. in the 9th Battery Mass. Vols. section and is listed as a rejected recruit in the 1st Battery Mass. Vols. section.)

  • Murray, Thomas - 2nd Mass. Heavy Arty. & U.S. Navy

  • McCarty, John A. - 3rd V.R.C.

  • McGlin, Thomas - 2nd V.R.C.

  • Packard, Henry - V.R.C.

  • Prescott, George H. - 1st Battery Mass. Militia

  • Putney, Royal W. - 45th Mass. Inf.

  • Rice, Albert E. - 10th Battery Mass. Vols.

  • Rice, Edwin C. - 57th Mass. Inf.

  • Shaw, Francis M. - U.S. Navy

  • Sheehan, Michael - 3rd Mass. Inf. (as Michael Shean)

  • Snelling, William W. - 3rd Battery Mass. Vols.

  • Spaulding, Alfred A. - V.R.C.

  • Stowe, John B. - 20th V.R.C.

  • Strong, William H. - U.S. Navy

  • Tucker, Francis C. - 10th New Jersey Vols. (never mustered due to no vacancy)

  • Tucker, William L. - 2nd Mass. Inf.

  • Tuttle, Thomas - U.S. Navy

  • Whitaker, Alexander H. - 4th Mass. Inf.

The list below is transferred soldiers from the 1st Battery Mass. Vols. during March 1865 as found in MSSMCW under the 9th Battery Mass. Vols. section. Soldiers identified with an asterisk (*) were not in Baker's list of soldiers being transferred in from the 1st. Baker states the 1st Battery Mass. Vols. were transferred in on Feb. 28, 1865, while MSSMCW lists the transfers as March 12 or March 28, 1865, with the two exceptions noted below.

  • Adams, Matthew M.

  • Allen, Erasmus

  • Art, John

  • Barnard, George A.

  • Barnes, Joseph C.

  • Benham, Daniel (also 5th Mass. Inf.)

  • Bird, Charles

  • Brown, Daniel

  • Burnham, John H.

  • Carroll, John W.

  • Carter, John

  • Chaffin, Willard (also 6th Mass. Inf.)

  • Charters, Reuben P. (also 6th Mass. Inf.)

  • Chase, John W.

  • Clancy, Jeremiah (also 9th Mass. Inf., but not listed as such in MSSMCW 1st Battery Mass. Vols. section)

  • Covill, David M.

  • Cox, James P. (also 50th Mass. Inf.)

  • Dewhurst, Joseph W.

  • Doolann, Patrick

  • Dunn, James N.

  • Eaton, Edwin D.

  • Edwards, Charles

  • Ellis, Chester S. (also 10th Mass. Inf.)

  • Ellis, Obed H. (also 29th Mass. Inf.)

  • Esler, John T.

  • Estabrook, William H. (also 1st Mass. Inf.)

  • Fannon, Joseph

  • Fischer, Henry B.

  • Fitzgerald, John V.

  • Gardiner, John

  • Golliff, George H.

  • Gordon, James S.

  • Hall, Henry S. (Feb. 28, 1865 transfer in) *

  • Hanscom, William H.

  • Hatch, Samuel P.

  • Herron, William

  • Hewett, Charles B.

  • Hill, Eber

  • Holden, James S. (also 11th Battery Mass. Vols.)

  • Horrigan, John

  • Horrigan, Michael

  • Hudson, William J. (also 1st Mass. Inf.)

  • Huggins, Frederick (also 42nd Mass. Inf.)

  • Huntington, Charles O.

  • Isaacs, Richard J.

  • Isaacs, William H.

  • Jackes, John A. (also 6th Mass. Inf. as John A. Jacks)

  • Johnson, William (Feb. 28, 1865 transfer in)

  • Kelley, William *

  • Kelly, John *

  • Lawrence, Mitchell

  • Lemay, Peter

  • Longley, Thomas F.

  • Lynch, Nicholas G. (also 1st Mass. Battery - 3 mos.)

  • Main, John W.

  • Main, Joseph H. (also 52nd Mass. Inf.)

  • Marsh, Henry L.

  • Moore, Ira

  • Morse, George

  • Murphy, David S.

  • Murphy, John

  • Neal, John A. (also 1st Mass. Inf.)

  • O'Ragen, Timothy

  • Pike, Charles O.

  • Porter, Charles

  • Prouty, Robert A.

  • Record, Horace

  • Reed, Robert S. *

  • Richardson, John S.

  • Right, John

  • Sackett, Alonzo F. (also 10th Mass. Inf.)

  • Schwamb, Charles *

  • Shannon, Edward

  • Smith, Ansel

  • Smith, Frank B. (also U.S. Navy & 5th Mass. Inf.)

  • Smith, John H.

  • Smitherman, Henry

  • Starbird, Rufus H.

  • Stratton, Frederick S. (11th Mass. Inf. as listed in MSSMCW in 1st Battery Mass. Vols. section)

  • Sturtevant, Andrew M.

  • Ward, William F.

  • Wheelock, Charles C.

  • White, William H.

  • Wilson, Daniel G.

Levi Baker lists the following soldiers as coming from the 1st Battery Mass. Vols. Searches found the following noted results.

  • Austin, Edward G. (Listed in MSSMCW as Edward Y. Austin with the 1st Battery Mass. Vols. with no record of transfer to the 9th; RMV and NPS lists him with both Batteries.)

  • Gardner, William (Listed in MSSMCW with the 1st Battery Mass. Vols. with no record of transfer to the 9th; RMV and NPS lists him with both Batteries.)

  • Harris, Michael (Listed in MSSMCW, RMV, and NPS as being with the 9th only.)

  • Schivant, Charles (No record of anyone with this last name in either MSSMCW or NPS.)

The RMV and NPS has a record of three additonal soldiers who transfered from the 1st Battery Mass. Vols. to the 9th Battery Mass. Vols. during March 1865. Baker incorrectly lists them but then corrects his list on the last page and states these soldiers were transferred. MSSMCW doesn't list them with ever being with the 9th. All are listed as transferred only in the 1st Battery Mass. Vols. section of RMV.

  • Hall, Henry C.

  • Horton, Sylvester

  • Howes, George

Baker also incorrectly lists Haynes, G. F. W. (No. 121) as transferring from the 1st to the 9th. He corrects that information on the last page as he was with the 9th Battery Mass. Vols. from the beginning.

Finally, Baker states, on his correction page, that he listed David I. Harmond (No. 120) being from the 1st Mass Battery, but Baker didn't do that in his book. He might have meant Michael Harris (No. 123), who is next in the list. His transfer comments were placed with Numbers 120-122 instead of 121-123. James A. Harvey (No. 122) was noted above in the first section.