Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Civil War, Vol. 5 - Massachusetts Adjutant General's Office. Norwood: The Norwood Press, 1931.

Unit History - Page 452
Unit History -
Page 453
John Q. Adams to Charles Bird -
Page 454
Ralph C. Blaisdell to Jeremiah Clancy -
Page 455
James L. Clapp to Edwin D. Eaton -
Page 456
Isaac F. Eaton to George Gardiner -
Page 457
Gardner S. Garey to George L. Higgins -
Page 458
Eber Hill to Richard Kelly -
Page 459
William Kelly to Nicholas G. Lynch -
Page 460
George Mader to George Murray -
Page 461
Thomas Murray to William Park Jr. -
Page 462
Stephen N. Parker to William Rigs -
Page 463
Thomas Rochford to William Stahl -
Page 464
Rufus H. Starbird to James Whitney -
Page 465
Zimri Whitney to John C. Woodward -
Page 466