Photographs of the 9th Battery Mass. Vols. Soldiers

John Bigelow - Captain; Res. Brighton; student; 23; comm. Feb. 11, 1863; must. Feb. 20, 1863; wounded July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Penna.; disch. for disability, Dec. 16, 1864. Brevet Major U.S. Vols., Aug. 1, 1864. See Officer 2d Battery Mass. Lt. Arty.; and Officer 1st Battln. Maryland Lt. Arty. A short biography on Bigelow can be found here.

You can see two post-war photographs on this book cover.

George Booth Jr.- 2d Lieut.; Res. Boston; occu. ---; 23; comm. Jany. 1, 1865; must. Jany 27, 1865; must. out June 6, 1865.

Photograph from An Album Containing Portraits of Members of the Military Order of Loyal Legion of the United States, L. R. Hamersley Co., New York, 1901.

David Brett - Priv.; Res. North Bridgewater; farmer; 43; enl. July 23, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; must. out June 6, 1865. (After war photograph.)

John W. Chase - 1st Sergt.; Res. Roxbury; carpenter; 37; transf. 1st Battery, March 12, 1865; disch. April 26, 1865, near Petersburg, Va., as Supernumerary.

Alfred B. C. Clement - Priv.; Res. Boston; student; 18; enl. July 22, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; must. out June 6, 1865

Achille De Vecchi - Captain; Res. Boston; soldier; 26; comm. July 31, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; resigned and disch. to date Jany. 26, 1863

Charles E. Dodge - Corpl.; Res. Charlestown; clerk; 25; enl. July 28, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; killed July 2, 1863, Gettysburg, Penna., as Sergt.

Christopher Erickson - 1st Lieut.; Res. Boston; cabinet maker; 27; comm. July 31, 1862; must. Aug 10, 1862; killed July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Penna.

Peter Fisher Jr. - Priv.; Res. North Easton; shoemaker; 19; enl. July 25, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; must. out June 6, 1865.

Found in an auction catalog: ambrotype is a ninth plate portrait attributed as Pvt. Peter Fisher Jr., 9th Mass. Battery. A slip of paper shown in a different view of this photograph indicated it might be Thomas Fisher.

Joseph Hirst - Priv.; Res. Malden; machinist; 22; enl. July 30, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; wounded July 2, 1863, as Sergt., at Gettysburg, Penna.; disch. Sept. 2, 1863, for wounds, at Washington, D.C. (Image may be wrong. This carte was purchased at a photograph show in Boston, MA and is tentatively identified as Sgt. Herst (Hirst) of the 9th (Bigelow's) Massachusetts Battery. Lightly penciled on the front of the image is "Sergt Herst", followed by some letters that are undecipherable.)

John H. Manning - Priv.; Res. Cambridge; brush maker; 19; enl. Aug. 4, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; apptd. Corpl., Aug. 2, 1863; Sergt., March 3, 1864; must. out June 6, 1865. (Photograph courtesy of Barry Manning, Great Grandson).

Richard S. Milton - 2d Lieut.; Res. West Roxbury; bookkeeper; 22; comm. Aug. 6, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; comm. 1st Lieut., July 2, 1863; must. Aug. 13, 1863; comm. Captain, Jany. 1, 1865; must. to date Jany. 1, 1865; must. out June 6, 1865, as Captain. See Co. "B" 4th Battln. Mass. Inf.

Another photograph taken at the same time as the one to the left and a photograph from the post Civil War days. (Photographs courtesy of USAMHI.)

John K. Norwood - Priv.; Res. Lawrence; clerk; 24; enl. Aug. 5, 1862; must. Aug 10, 1862; wounded July 2, 1863, Gettysburg, Penna.; disch. for disability caused from wounds, Feb. 1, 1864, at Washington, D. C.

Photograph from Souvenir Portrait Album of Members Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts, 1903, Published by W.S. Best Printing Company, Boston, Mass.

Norwood was accepted into the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company on April 21, 1896. He was approximately 65 years old when this picture was taken.

William Park Jr. - Priv.; Res. Boston; mason; 28; enl. Aug. 7, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; Apptd. Corpl., March 28, 1863; Sergt., Dec. 11, 1864; comm. 2d Lieut. from 1st Sergt., Jany. 18, 1865; must. Jany. 28, 1865; must. out June 6, 1865, as 2d Lieut. (After war photograph.)

Charles Wellington Reed - Bugler; Res. Boston; student; 21; enl. Aug. 2, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; must. out June 6, 1865. Medal of Honor man - date of action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Penna. "Rescued his wounded captain from between the lines." A short biography on Reed can be found here.

William Stahl - Priv; Res. New York City; clerk; 23; enl. and must. Jany. 26, 1864; must out June 6, 1865. (Photograph courtesy of USAMHI.)

Francis C. Tucker - Priv; Res. Southboro; farmer; 18; enl. July 22, 1962; must. Aug. 20, 1862; disch. April 18, 1864, as Corpl., for promotion to 2d Lieut. in 10th New JerseyVols.; not mustered, owing to no vacancy. Again enlist. and must. Dec. 20, 1864, in 9th Battery Mass. Lt. Arty.; must. out June 6, 1865, as Corpl.

Alexander H. Whitaker - 2d Lieut.; Res. Roxbury; bookkeeper; 20; comm. 2d Lieut., July 31, 1862; not must.; comm. 1st Lieut., Aug. 6, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; wounded July 2, 1863, Gettysburg Penna.; died July 20, 1863, of wounds, at Roxbury, Mass. See Co. "B" 4th Battln. Mass. Inf.

Unknown Soldier of the 9th Battery Massachusetts Volunteers

Unknown Soldier of the 9th Battery Massachusetts Volunteers

Unknown Soldier of the 9th Battery Massachusetts Volunteers. This CDV was taken by Ingraham Bro's., Photographers of Westfield, Mass.

Photograph from the Brian Chepulis Collection.