Special Requisition - August 11, 1862

Camp Stanton August 11, 1862 - Special Requisition to Quarter-master for Articles for a Mass Battery, Capt. De Vecchi

  • Two Sergeants Sashes

  • One Guidon Silk & Case

  • One National Flag Silk & Case

  • Two Color Staves with Sockets

  • Four Camp Colors with Staves

Signed - A. de Vecchi, Capt. 9th Battery M. V.

Note: Not viewable in the picture, there are "X" marks next to the Sashes, Color Staves, and Camp Colors. I assume they didn't receive those items. The Guidon and National Flag silks have no marks. According to the State House Flag Collection staff the two flags were issued to the Battery on January 1, 1863.