Special Requisition - August 1, 1862

For 9th Mass Battery, Camp Stanton

  • 1 Sibly Tent complete

  • 147 Great Coats

  • 147 Numbers (9)

  • 147 Cross Cannon

  • 147 Metallic Scales

  • 6 Wall Tents, complete (officers)

  • 3 Bugles

  • 13 Camp Kettles

  • 147 Rubber Blankets

  • 147 Knapsacks

Signed - Alex. H. Whitaker, Lieut. 9th Mass Battery

Edw. A. Wild, Maj. 32 Mass, Comdg. Camp Stanton

Note: Not viewable in the picture, there are "X" marks next to the Sibly Tent and Great Coats. I assume they didn't receive those items. The rest have check marks, except the Knapsacks which has no mark. We know the Battery were issue the knapsacks, but it may have been on a different date.