John Lyman Fenton

Priv.; Res. Cambridgeport; lawyer; 27; enl. Aug. 5, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; wounded July 2, 1863, Gettysburg, Penna.; died July 28, 1863, of wounds, at Baltimore, Md., a Sergt.

Listed on grave stone:

  • Sergt. John Lyman Fenton of the 9th Mass Battery, Died at Jarvis Hospital Baltimore Md. July 28, 1863, from wounds received at the Battle of Gettysburg Pa. July 2, 1863. Aged 28 yrs.

  • On front - My Husband

Information from Veterans' Graves Registration - City of Cambridge

  • Name: Fenton, John L.

  • Name of Cemetery: Cambridge

  • Place: Cambridge

  • Location: Lot 539, Ivy Path

  • Branch of Service: Army

  • Organization: 9th Batt. Mass. Vol. L. A.

  • Born: 1835

  • Died: July 28, 1863, Baltimore Md.

  • Cause of Death: Wounds rec'd in battle

  • Name and Address of Next of Kin: Mrs. E. D. Barnard, 20 Erie St. Cambridge

  • Undertaker: H. D. Litchfield

  • Graves Registration Officer: Edward F. Sullivan

  • Type of Stone: Upright family

Map of Grave Location


In Anna Miller Watring's book about the burials at Loudon Park Cemetery she wrote, "Fenton, John L. 9th Mass. Battery. 28 y/o. 3 Aug. 1863, gunshot, Jarvis. M-66 [Old Soldiers' Lot], sent home." And this was confimed in this passage found in the Harvard Memorial Biographies, "His wife and mother reached him a few hours before his death, and were present at his burial in Loudon Park, Baltimore. During the following autumn his remains were removed to Cambridge Cemetery." Loudon Park Cemetery no longer has a record of John L. Fenton being buried there.


  • Higginson, Thomas W. Harvard Memorial Biographies Vol. II. Cambridge MA: Sever and Francis. 1866. p 249.

  • Watring, Anna Miller. Civil War Burials in Baltimore's Loudon Park Cemetery. Baltimore MD: Clearfield Co. October 1996. p 22.