George W. Stafford

Priv.; Res. Lawrence; clerk; 22; enl. Aug. 2, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; died Nov. 10, 1862, of disease, at Washington, D. C.

Listed on grave stone:

  • George W., Only Son of George L. & Samantha C. Stafford, Died at Washington, Nov. 10, 1862, Aged 23 yrs.

Information from Veterans' Graves Registration - City of Lawrence

  • Name: Stafford, George W.

  • Name of Cemetery: Bellevue

  • Place: Lawrence

  • Location: Lot No. 127, Group 1.

  • Key No: B:1

  • Marker Placed: Yes (Fam.)

  • Branch of Service: Army

  • Organization: 9th Batt. Mass. Vol. Lt. Arty.

  • Born: 1840

  • Died: Washington D. C. Nov. 10, 1862

  • Cause of Death: Illness

  • Name and Address of Next of Kin: George L. & Samontha C -- Parents

  • Type of Stone: Family

Map of Grave Location

1840 - November 10, 1862