Letter from Capt. John Bigelow

Fort Ramsey Va.
April 16, 1863

Dr Hammond.
Dear Sir:

We break camp at 5.30 A. M. tomorrow having orders to report to Genl. Abercrombie at Centerville. The 17 New York Battery remains with Col. Sickels. The 11 Mass Battery returning from Centreville takes our place.

I should like very much for you to continue with us if you believe your order to report to Dr. Mosely sufficient authority and deem it advisable.

I can hardly express the obligations I am under for the interest you have ever manifested in the men of my command and it will be with feelings of the deepest regret if I lose your services.

I am afraid I shall have to incommode you in this matter of horse and equipments in case we are separated.

I have the honor to remain Doctor
Your obd't serv't
John Bigelow
Capt. 9th Mass. Battery

This letter was provided by Judy Witthohn. She also sent along this information; The doctor's full name was Dr. Gerard Beekman Hammond and his wife was Dr. Gertrude Hummel Hammond. His wife, according to newspaper articles attended the wounded during the Civil War and "returned North" after the war. Dr. Hammond and his wife lived in New York.

It appears Dr. Hammond did stay with the Battery, from Major John Bigelow's "Declaration for Original Invalid Pension", dated March 11, 1879: "That he was treated in hospitals as follows: on the field at Gettysburg by Surgeon Hammond, at 3rd Corp Field Hospital from where he was granted leave of absence, by Genl. Schuck at Balta, Md, afterward treated, by Dr. Henry Bigelow, of Newton Mass. (since dead)"

If anyone has additional information about the Hammond's please contact me.