Christopher Erickson

1st Lieut.; Res. Boston; cabinet maker; 27; comm. July 31, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; killed July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Penna.

Listed on grave stone:

  • Christopher Brickson, Civil War, July 2, 1869

Information from Veterans' Graves Registration - City of Cambridge

  • Name: Erickson, Christopher

  • Name of Cemetery: Cambridge

  • Place: Cambridge

  • Location: Grave No. 57 outside Soldiers lot. Monument Ave.

  • Branch of Service: Army

  • Organization: 9th Batt. Mass. Vol. L. A.

  • Born: 1842

  • Died: July 2, 1863, Gettysburg, Pa.

  • Cause of Death: Killed in action.

  • Undertaker: J. Pear

  • Graves Registration Officer: Edward F. Sullivan

  • Type of Stone: Upright

Entry from the Roll of Honor: Names of Soldiers Who Died in Defence of the American Union, Interred in the National Cemeteries and Other Burial Places, No. XVI. - Date of death is listed as July 29, 1864, which is incorrect.

Map of Grave Location

Buried at the Civil War Soldiers Lot. Graves and markers circle the monument.