Byron Porter

Priv.; Res. Boston; baker; 18; enl. and must. June 22, 1863; died Sept. 9, 1863, of disease, at Alexandria, Va.

Listed on gravestone:

  • 8019, Byron Porter, Mass.

Map of Grave Location
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
Section 13, Site 8019

Levi Baker lists Byron Porter as never joining the Battery. The William Park report to The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office of Commissioner on War Records report identified Byron Porter as never mustered in as he died Sept. 8 or 19, 1863. A letter from David Brett's daughter Carrie, from Convalescent Camp Va., states, "There were a great many newly made graves there and but two Mass. soldiers. One belonged to fathers battery. His name was 'Biron Porter'. He is amoung the last that was buried and undoudtedly sickened and died in the hospital since I have been here."

On the Department of Veterans Affairs Nationwide Gravesite Locator he is listed as Byson Porter.

1840 - November 10, 1862