Bigelow's Letter to Mrs. Babson

A letter from Captain John Bigelow to Edwin Babson's mother concerning her son's death.

"He first complained Monday morning of feeling unwell and attended sick call. Through the day he had no alarming symptoms and we hoped to have him splendidly restored to duty. At 11:30 o'clock P.M., he was attacked with spasms and became insensible ... Since he first responded to his countrie's call in its hour of need, his conduct has been exceptional as a soldier and a man. He has never received a correction from his officers and his genial disposition has won for him a place in the hearts of his comrades ... May this sudden visitation of death prove a wholesome warning that none of us may be overtaken unprepared for the great and final charge - thus death will be deprived of its sting and the grave swallowed up in victory. Please command my services for any assistance I can render towards your procuring the bounty and pension that may be your due. I will forward his ring immediately on notification of your receipt of this."

From the Babson Historical Associations