Alexander H. Whitaker

9th Battery Mass. Vols.; 2d Lieut.; Res. Roxbury; bookkeeper; 20; comm. 2d Lieut., July 31, 1862; not must.; comm. 1st Lieut., Aug. 6, 1862; must. Aug. 10, 1862; wounded July 2, 1863, Gettysburg, Penna.; died July 20, 1863, of wounds, at Roxbury, Mass. See Co. "B" 4th Battln. Mass. Inf.

4th Battln. Mass. Inf.; Priv.; Res. Boston; 20; clerk; enl. May 26, 1862; must. May 27, 1862; must. out May 31, 1862. See 9th Batty. Mass. Lt. Arty.

Listed on gravestone:

  • Alex'r Howland Whitaker

  • Rest of stone unreadable

Map of Grave Location
Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston, Mass.
Lilac Path, Sect. 7

1842 - July 20, 1863