September 20, 1863 Letter to Mrs. W. Weston

Germantown Pa.
September 20 1863.

Mrs. W. Weston!

I take the opportunity in writing a few lines to you, which will inform you that I am in my perfect old good health again - and am able to do my duty in the field with pleasure - anytime I am called for. I did not loose any strength in my arm. They were not smart enough to disable one. I shall go and face them again, to do what is in my power to punish them for their wickedness for their cruelty in betraying this good country where in Liberty & Equality. True they suffer allready - till they will more in a short time to come.

Almira and Anna are leaving here for Weymouth to morrow morning. They have had a very good time with one, and one in good health. I had the good fortune in joining them here in Germantown almost three weeks. I could leave my Hospital any time I liked, for to go to see them. Where I had a place provided for them in comfort and pleasure.

I sent by her - my likeness - to you which I present to you with great regard and esteem - in hope that you will be pleased to have it in your possession as a remembrance.

Remain I with my kind regard to all your family.

Your faithfull servant,
Augustus Hesse

Pictured above is pages 1 and 4 of a four-page letter.