September 3, 1863 Letter to Deborah Weston

McClellan U.S. Hospital
Nicetown Pa. September 3th 1863

Miss Deborah Weston!

Everything has worked well with Almira. She has with little Anna arrived here in savety and in good health.

I was greatly troubled though yesterday Wednesday on account that there were so men sent from this Hospital away to their Regt. of which I was one of them. But so you informed one on Tuesday afternoon in your letter of last Monday that Almira was coming. So I went right to the Doctors and presented the matter to him -- and succeeded that I remained in the Hospital. The same time I applied for a pass for 24 hours which was granted. Whereafter I prepared for my journey to Philadelphia to receive Almira. I went to the N. J. R. R. L. [New Jersey Rail Road Line] first and inquired about the different trains. I was told that one arrived in five minutes. I waited and found Almira among the passengers with Anna in her arms at two o Clock p. m. Wednesday. I observed her coming out the cars called her - whereby we greeted us in joy and happiness.

I found both Almira and Anna in good health and was glad to see them. Anna would not come to me first but a little while after she saw me. She came to one and - when ever I come in her sight now she runs to me. When I have to leave her - she will crye.

We then took the horse cars and went to Germantown - where I had a splendid room prepared for Almira and Anna. So to have both comfortable quarters. Anna looks their - but I am astonished that she is so smart and knowing for her age. She can not sit still. She likes to run most the time - and feels happy when she is in my arms. At the dinner table she will sit a while with Almira - but then she comes to one on my lap. She calls one Papa all the time and this afternoon for the first time one gave me a kiss.

I had a pass till 12 am to day Thursday. Almira & Anna walked with me after dinner to the Hospital and spent the afternoon here. But Anna will not keep still. She runs from one Ward to another - and looks at ???? saying oh ??? nice - Papa. She saw a parrot on the window. Well where I could not get her away again- she feed him.

Almira and Anna are in good health. They will remain here with me till next week. I do not know though what day they will leave for I sign the pay roll just now. Almira will get my money with her what I have to spare. Which she will give you for to put in the bank again. Almira told one that Joanna was going to leave for home this Thursday.

I have spoken to her of going home this winter. The likes - it first right - so she is intend to leave Weymouth a fortnight from to day. I shall write again when Almira is going to leave Philadelphia. Excuse me for not writing much this time. Anna won't let one alone. I shall close with my kind regard to Mrs. Weston thanking her for the vest and handkerchief ???? what comes all handy to one this winter. I thank you also for your kindness in assisting Almira of her coming to see one in hope that you all are well with my regard to the Dr. & all the family.

Remain I your faithfully
Augustus Hesse

Pictured above is pages 1 and 4 of a four-page letter.