June 16, 1863 Letter to Deborah Weston

Centreville Va. June 16th 1863.

Miss D. Weston!

Your letter and paper of the 10th inot[?] - I have received last Sunday. I beg to be excused for not writing much this time -- my sore hand prevent it. - I have flay[?] seed on to it. ---

I see you are very busy with writing to so many different places. -- I suppose that the reason that the questions I have asked you are not answered, the news I surely like to hear from Weymouth.

There is quite an excitement going on here. -- The troops from the Rappahannock flowing in here quite fast. -- The 11th Chore [Corps] arrived here Gen. Howard. -- It looks like something now -- they say two other chores are coming. I ges [guess] I have a chance to see Henry Coner here. ---

I would like to give you a full account of the arrival of the troops -- but my hand pains one to[o] much -- that I can not write steady! ---

My little Anna has the measles? I hope you will save her for me -- from all danger. I remember Mrs Weston every day -- the teas she has sent us is so nice -- that all the men who taste it send Mrs Weston their heartfull thank. ---- Please give my love to Almira and Anna. -- I suppose Almira this all she can for my little girl. -- I hope she writes to me as soon as she can.

Last week we lost a member of our Battery. He died very sudden. He was buried in a very fine stile [style]. -- The coffin placed on a caisson drawn by six grey horses.

The 1st Army Chore has arrived too also the third. -- The rest in on the road. -- I been down to the 12th Mass Regt. to see if I could find some Weymouth men! -- I met Sam Goodwin he just came in -- he was very glad to see me. -- I also saw Coll Bates. -- I had a long talk with Sam Goodwin. I asked him if he had received the blanket you sent him. -- Where by he showed it to me. -- He had also a photograph of Peter Whithmarsh -- he desired one to give Peter for respect. -- By him I found out that Henry Cowen is an orderly for Gen. G----------. As soon they come in sight I go to see him. --

I am very glad to hear that Mrs Weston is in good health, that her eye sight has improved so to be able as to read without spectacles. Pleas give her my kind regard. -- My regard to the Dr and to your sister -- also my love to Almira & Anna in hope that Anna will restore in good health again.

Your faithfuly
Augustus Hesse

Pictured above is pages 1 and a blank page of a three-page letter.