January 4, 1863 Letter to Miss Anna Weston

Fort Ramsey. Upton Hill VA
January the 4th 1863

Miss Anna Weston!

My kind friend.

I was very happy in receiving your letter of last Saturday and as I allways do read your letters with great interest & attention. Your visit to me here at Upton Hill was quite unexpected; I did not know what to make of it, as I can the fine carriage coming up. I was astonished to see Mr Weston looking out the window bowing to me; in the first place. I was not sure if it was Mr Weston, but as the Captain called one in saying to put my jacket on -- ??? I that it must have been Mr. Weston whom I saw in the carriage.

I quickly ran to the fort where I then with great surprise from you all. If you did not know my heart was beating for joy to see you; O[h] I felt our true friendship in shaking hands. You know I am not a great talker and speech maker else I would have give you a full report and address in wellcoming you. I am a foreigner who thus not know exactly to receive friends -- especially in the present of an superior officer -- like Capt. de Vecchi, who thought that I suppose that you had come out to see him for leting me standing for his tent like a bystander. --- Never mind I saw you, and you saw me -- but if I had been with you in conversation independent -- I would have showing you a great deal of interest.

Falls Church, Munson Hill and other places of our war-fare. Your paper & envelopes come to me by Capt. de Vecchi I received this morning ----

My kind friend you asked one if I need anything such as writing paper - if so that you would send one some -- I thank you very much for I have enough for the present --- But I am short with stamps -- Our government has not giving us our pay yet so that I am in a state not to purchase such things ---

Ellmira my wife sent one a letter some time ago with stamps and five dollars which I have not received --- I suppose we can not do anything about this for I do not know of Almira has a receipt of it.

I am writing in hurry I shall have no time to write to morrow, for we all the non. commissioned officers have to be ready all mounted at 8 1/2 o Clock in the morning for target practice -- I got two letters ready one for Miss Deborah and the other for Almira, which will be forwarded to morrow.

Well me dear friend -- I have to close this letter in hope to do something for this country -- We know now for what we are fighting and that is to kill slavery which got to die now --- Liberty will and shall now live in all the States of America for which I am willing to fight with all my strength and power.

Best best regard to Mr. Weston and Miss Emma.

??? in hope that you will have a pleasant time in Washington. Do also a safe return to Weymouth.

Remain I truly your friend
Augustus Hesse

Pictured above is pages 1 and 4 of a four-page letter.